Relax & Improve Your Body, Mind & Spirit through


Do You Feel Stressed or Worn Down During these Chaotic Times?

By practicing mindfulness for just a few minutes a day, you will be able to find contentment in life and relax during chaos

Stress & Mental Illness Are Serious Issues

Do you feel stressed, tired, or worn down?

Are you finding that work and other stressors in your life are making it seemingly impossible to simply relax, unwind, and enjoy your life?

Are you currently living in a chaotic period in your life?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are not alone.

According to the American Institute of Stress, 83% of U.S. workers suffer from work-related stress. This then causes U.S. businesses to lose up to $300 billion yearly as a result of this stress.

But workplace stress is not the only area where Americans are suffering. Nearly 1 in 5 American adults will have a mental health diagnosis in a given year.

Even more shocking, 46% of Americans will classify under a diagnosable mental health condition during their lives, and half of those people will develop the conditions for the mental illness as early as the age of 14.

These shocking statistics should tell you two things: stress and mental illness are serious issues in America, and you are certainly not alone if you are experiencing any of these negative feelings and emotions.

Stress & Mental Illness Cause Many Negative Health Effects

Each of these conditions is extremely worrisome since stress and mental illness take a large toll on a person's health.

Stress alone is a large contributor to illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, and other serious health conditions. It is predicted that stress is responsible for at least 120,000 deaths a year in the U.S.

It is imperative to find a way to relieve stress and help manage other mental health problems. Fortunately, there is an easy tool that costs no money and takes very little time out of your day. That tool is mindfulness. Mindfulness is one of the best ways to help manage stress and other factors related to chaos in life.

Many people think that mindfulness is time-consuming to practice or only helpful for those who already have a lot of patience. Both of these perceptions of mindfulness are false.

Mindfulness is a helpful tool for anyone, and it does not need to take up an excessive amount of time in your life.

Still, practicing mindfulness can be difficult if you've never done it before. You might not know where to start or how to do it.

For this reason, we created the Mindfulness Bundle to help you learn the key tips and tricks for mindfulness training.

Once you have learned these tips, mindfulness will be an extremely easy and health-promoting tool that you can incorporate into your daily life.

Are you ready to improve your body, mind and spirit despite chaotic conditions?

Here's exactly what you'll find inside the Mindfulness eBook:
  • What is mindfulness?
  • The point of mindfulness
  • The benefits of mindfulness
  • When to practice mindfulness
  • The negative effects of chaotic times and stress
  • How mindfulness helps stress
  • Benefits of practicing mindfulness for the body
  • How to practice mindfulness to improve the body
  • How to practice progressive muscle relaxation
  • How to do a body scan
  • Benefits of practicing mindfulness for the mind
  • How to practice mindfulness to improve the mind
  • How to set a mindful morning routine
  • Benefits of practicing mindfulness for the spirit
  • How to practice mindfulness to improve the spirit
  • How to create helpful affirmations
  • How to use mindfulness as a growth opportunity
  • How mindfulness increases resilience
  • Why you should want to be resilient
  • What makes mindfulness different from meditation
  • How to use meditation to become mindful
  • How to practice holistic mindfulness
  • How yoga improves mindfulness

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Gain Mental Clarity

The Gain Mental Clarity eBook will help you to obtain mental clarity in your life and business to achieve greater success.

Here's what you'll discover:

  • The different kinds of mental clutter and what can trigger it.
  • Learn how to let go of the past and why it's essential for clearing out mental clutter and gaining mental clarity.
  • Learn about the power of positive thinking and how you can use it to achieve greater success.
  • Discover how you can dramatically improve your focus so you can get more done and move closer to achieving your goals.
  • Learn the different techniques for clearing the mental clutter so you can gain more mental clarity in your life and business.

The Calm Mind

The Calm Mind will guide you through everything you need to know about mindfulness and meditation so you can lessen your stress and live a simpler, more fulfilling life.

Here's what is on offer:
  • The different types of mediation: From kundalini meditation, to transcendental, to nada, to mindfulness. Each does something different and unique, and you’ll discover some fascinating examples.
  • How to choose the right kind of meditation for you: With so much information out there, how do you know where to begin? We’ll simplify things.
  • What all meditation has in common: Meditation comes in lots of flavors, but it remains the same at its core. Learn the one key ‘truth’ of meditation that matters most.
  • The powerful benefits of meditation: Meditation does FAR more for you than you might realize. This book will help you see just what an exciting and potent tool meditation has the potential to be.
  • Simple steps to get started: No confusion. No nerves. Just a simple, straightforward plan that anyone can follow.
  • The role of mindfulness: Mindfulness is adjacent to, but distinct from meditation. Learn how to use it here.
  • How to use mindfulness to overcome anxiety: More powerful still is cognitive behavioral therapy. When paired with mindfulness, this can eradicate anxiety and stress.
  • How to improve your lifestyle and mindset to drive anxiety away: Meditation is just one part of your holistic approach to health. You’ll learn how to use minimalism, a healthy diet, better sleep, and much more. The end result? You'll feel your best ever.

Our Commitment to Accessible Knowledge

Why our eBooks are so affordable...

We believe valuable knowledge should be accessible to everyone. Our pricing reflects this commitment.

Rest assured, affordability does not compromise quality or depth. As Wallace D. Wattles put it, we aim to 'add to the life of the world by giving more in use value than we take in cash value'.

What Our Readers Say

These testimonials are snippets from customers who received the Mindfulness Bundle as a free gift in exchange for sharing their feedback.

"Your books helped me slow down, breathe, and find peace in the present moment. Thanks! "

Sarah L.
Brighton, United Kingdom

"Gain Mental Clarity helped me shift from distractions and refocus. These practical books are effective and have helped me be more productive, especially in business."

Jaipur, india

"These simple, powerful books have helped me gain balance and peace in my very, very busy world! Thank you Law of Attraction Haven.

Elena, M.
Mendoza, Argentina

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